Automated warehouse shelf system to bring customers a substantial convenience. Automatic warehouse shelf system generally refers to the use of several layers, a dozen or even dozens of layers of the shelf, and the use of automated material handling equipment to carry out the goods out of storage, warehousing operations, the general by the high shelf, material handling equipment, control and management equipment and utilities and other parts of the group. Automated warehouse in addition to the basic functions of the traditional warehouse, but also has the function of sorting, the tally of, and without direct manual processing, automatic storage and remove material function. It can be said that the automatic warehouse basically integrated modern logistics equipment, automatic control system, modern logistics information collection system, computer network and management information system, and other high-tech modern logistics technology, the information flow and logistics can be organically integrated, so as to improve the comprehensive logistics capabilities of enterprises.
The main advantages of automatic warehouse racking system
1, warehouse operations to achieve mechanization and automation;
2, the use of high-level shelf, storage, can effectively use space, reduce the area, reduce land acquisition costs;
3, the pallet or container to store goods, goods damage rate decreased significantly;
The rapid development of automatic warehouse shelves system will drive the whole warehouse shelves industry to further take off.